Mengmeng was the king of her motel kingdom —
She was as powerful as the wind itself…
Or so she thought.

Ansong, the king’s mother, built their castle herself —
As far away from her troubles as she could get...
Or so she thought.

7 year-old Mengmeng lives in a motel on the fringes of a dried up lake with her mother Ansong, the motel’s manager.
One day, Mengmeng accidentally digs up something she shouldn’t have: a rotting carcass, covered in maggots. That night, Mengmeng and her mother are visited by a mysterious stranger and a death-rattle wind.

CARRION is an eerie, coming-of-age immigrant folktale about a girl’s last evening with her mother as she knows her. As everything beneath the soil is unearthed, the dead are processed in more ways than one.


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A L L  R I G H T S  R E S E R V E D